Banjo tab for 'Johnny Don't Get Drunk' (Snake Chapman) in double C tuning.
Banjo tab for 'Josie-O' in Sandy River Belle/Cumberland Gap tuning (fDGCD).
Banjo tab for 'June Apple' from Tommy Jarrell in Standard/Open G tuning (gDGBD) with capo 2nd fret (aEAC♯E).
Banjo tab for 'Kash Kersey' in Open/Standard G tuning (gDGBD).
Banjo tab for an intermediate version of 'Little Pine Siskin' by John Reischman, in Double C tuning (gCGCD).
Banjo tab for 'Little Satchel' in Old/Low Cumberland Gap tuning (f♯BEAD) with capo 2nd fret (g♯C♯F♯BE).
Banjo tab for 'Lucy Neil' in Double C tuning (gCGCD).
Banjo tab for 'Midnight On The Water' in double C tuning.
Banjo tab for 'Old Billy Hell' in Sandy River Belle tuning (fDGCD).
Banjo tab for 'Old Jimmy Sutton' in Single C tuning (gCGBD).
Banjo tab for 'Road To Malvern' in Open/Standard G tuning (gDGBD).
Banjo tab for 'Rock The Cradle Joe' in Double C tuning (intermediate version).
Banjo tab for 'Roustabout' in Single C tuning (gCGBD).
Banjo tab for 'Sandy River Belle' in Sandy River Belle tuning (fDGCD).
Banjo tab for 'Seneca Square Dance' in G tuning.
Banjo tab for an intermediate version of 'Shady Grove' in Double C tuning (gCGCD).